Monday, 7 April 2014


Hello, hallo, as-salām 'alaykum, ola, namaste...uh-ah, that was kinda dramatic start right? Well what would you expect from, two dreamy and crazy hearts, that belong to more crazy persons. We are Megha and Bharti, two individuals, with different beliefs but somewhat we share common interests. One of those common interests is writing!

It happened by chance, that we started writing fictions and someday, we met. We met, we became friends, we share, we care, we laugh at the dumbest jokes together and pick up with each others worst mood. What we share is friendship but with a tint of craziness and fun. 

Getting on the track, to the point. We both have started this blog to share our fictions with you. Our fictional stories, that our dreamy hearts had imagined and we have penned it. And guess what, this blog is not just for me and Bharti to write and share, it's for all of you. You read it right, we have started this blog, for you all too.

Sometimes, you all must have desired to write something other than fan-fictions. I mean, a story not based on any tellywood or bollywood couple, but just a simple fiction, a story that you want to write. Not only a love story, but every genre you want to write, scientific, supernaturals, paranormal, non-fiction etc. You want, you write.

Pick any couple you want, this blog is not bounded by any couple. You want KaSh, write about them, you want ArIya, ArSh, ArShi, pick anyone and write. In short, share what you want. If you are posting a story for the first time, then no worries, you can post it here without any hesitance. 

Believe in yourself, pen down your imagination in words, post your words here and share it with everybody. We want you all to share your stories with everybody. Today's 7th of April, 2014, just one introductory post, no readers yet but just a hope within our hearts, that a day will come when, there will be many posts and readers at our blog!

Wish us luck.


  1. Thank you soo much Megha for the lovely welcome :D
    Sorry for not having much time but now I am here :)

    OHHH god I love being crazy with u and we have so much fun and for sure we will have our fun here too :P


  2. hello good to see u both here.. wuld love to read ur stories
